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Hydrogen production: If the cobalt was substituted for the platinum ...

​Researchers [1] from the CEA in Grenoble and Saclay, CNRS and Joseph Fourier University, have developed two new cobalt-based materials able to replace platinum, a rare and expensive metal, in the production of hydrogen from water (electrolysis). One can operate in aqueous solutions at neutral pH. The second is the first "switchable" catalytic material without noble metals ever created able to intervene in the two key chemical reactions for the electrolysis of water: the production of hydrogen and the oxygen production.

Published on 20 October 2012
Press release available in French.

These results are the subject of publications in Nature ​Chemistry and Nature ​Chemistry.​

[1] Laboratoire de chimie et de biologie des métaux (unité mixte CEA/CNRS/Université Joseph Fourier) - IRTSV (Institut de recherches en technologies et sciences pour le vivant) - Iramis (Institut rayonnement et matière à Saclay) - CEA-Liten - CEA-Leti (DTBS, département des micro-technologies pour la biologie et la santé).

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