While carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change, it is also foreseen as a key building block for the production of carbon-based fuels, chemicals and materials needed in a post-fossil society. To achieve this transition, we need to develop catalytic processes able to convert CO2 into valuable base chemicals while using only renewable energy sources. These catalytic systems have to be selective, i.e. producing a single CO2-conversion product while avoiding any competitive production of hydrogen from water splitting.
Researchers from our Laboratory have shown that immobilizing a molecular cobalt complex at a carbon nanotube-based electrode generates a catalytic material for the conversion of CO2 into CO with a selectivity above 90%, the remaining 10% being hydrogen. This system is efficient and stable, with more than 20,000 catalytic cycles achieved in 2 hours without any loss of activity. This CO/H2 mixture, called syngas, is a key intermediate for the synthesis of a wide variety of products such as alcohols and hydrocarbons.
Moreover, the same team, in collaboration with a group from the Vietnam-France University of Hanoi, has been able to integrate the same cobalt complex into a photoelectrochemical cell that uses only solar energy to convert CO2 and water into syngas in a fully autonomous way. At the heart of this process is a dyad assembling the cobalt catalyst with a ruthenium-based photosensitizer that mimics the function of photosystems in photosynthetic organisms to enable the production of solar syngas.
Image: chemical structure of the macrocyclic cobalt catalyst and schematic presentation of the molecular cathode and photocathode materials developed at LCBM/SolHycat. (Crédit CEA)