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Publications de l'équipe BioCat de 2007 à 2018

Publié le 4 septembre 2024

Publications 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007


Alfano M, Pérard J, Miras R, Catty P and Cavazza C
Biophysical and structural characterization of the putative nickel chaperone CooT from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 23(5): 809-817

Angelini S, Gerez C, Ollagnier-de Choudens S, Sanakis Y, Fontecave M, Barras F and Py B
NfuA, a new factor required for maturing Fe/S proteins in Escherichia coli under oxidative stress and iron starvation conditions.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(20): 14084-14091

Caserta G, Papini C, Adamska-Venkatesh A, Pecqueur L, Sommer C, Reijerse E, Lubitz W, Gauquelin C, Meynial-Salles I, Pramanik D, Artero V, Atta M, Del Barrio M, Faivre B, Fourmond V, Léger C and Fontecave M
Engineering an [FeFe]-hydrogenase: Do accessory clusters influence O2 resistance and catalytic bias?
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140(16): 5516-5526

Castillo-Moreno P, Serrato JC, Willison JC and Magnin JP
Photohydrogen production from lactose and lactate by recombinant strains of Rhodobacter capsulatus: Modeling and optimization.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(46): 21231-45

Cavazza C, Marchi-Delapierre C and Ménage S
Chapter 7 - Hybrid catalysts for oxidation reactions In Artificial metalloenzymes and metalloDNAzymes in catalysis: From design to applications, (Ed: Montserrat Diéguez, Jan-E. Bäckvall, Oscar Pàmies), 2018, pp 199-224

Cosentino C, Toivonen S, Diaz Villamil E, Atta M, Ravanat JL, Demine S, Schiavo AA, Pachera N, Deglasse JP, Jonas JC, Balboa D, Otonkoski T, Pearson ER, Marchetti P, Eizirik DL, Cnop M and Igoillo-Esteve M
Pancreatic ß-cell tRNA hypomethylation and fragmentation link TRMT10A deficiency with diabetes.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(19): 10302-10318

Dal Magro C, Keller P, Kotter A, Werner S, Duarte V, Marchand V, Ignarski M, Freiwald A, Muller RU, Dieterich C, Motorin Y, Butter F, Atta M and Helm M
A vastly increased chemical variety of RNA modifications containing a thioacetal structure.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2018, 57(26): 7893-7897

Gentil S, Che Mansor SM, Jamet H, Cosnier S, Cavazza C, and Le Goff A
Oriented immobilization of [NiFeSe] hydrogenases on covalently and noncovalently functionalized carbon nanotubes for H2/Air enzymatic fuel cells.
ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8(5): 3957–3964

Kaeffer N, Windle CD, Brisse R, Gablin C, Leonard D, Jousselme B, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Artero V
Insights into the mechanism and aging of a noble-metal free H2-evolving dye-sensitized photocathode.
Chemical Science, 2018, 9(32): 6721-38

Kalms J, Schmidt A, Frielingsdorf S, Utesch T, Gotthard G, von Stetten D, van der Linden P, Royant A, Mroginski MA, Carpentier P, Lenz O and Scheerer P
Tracking the route of molecular oxygen in O2-tolerant membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 2018, 115(10): E2229-E2237

Marchioni M, Gallon T, Worms I, Jouneau PH, Lebrun C, Veronesi G, Truffier-Boutry D, Mintz E, Delangle P, Deniaud A and Michaud-Soret I
Insights into polythiol-assisted AgNP dissolution induced by bio-relevant molecules.
Environmental Science: Nano, 2018, 5(8): 1911-1920

Marchioni M, Jouneau PH, Chevallet M, Michaud-Soret I and Deniaud A
Silver nanoparticle fate in mammals: Bridging in vitro and in vivo studies.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2018, 364: 118-136

Pérard J and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Iron–sulfur clusters biogenesis by the SUF machinery: Close to the molecular mechanism understanding.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 23(4): 581-596
Correction. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 23(4): 597

Pérard J, Nader S, Levert M, Arnaud L, Carpentier P, Siebert C, Blanquet F, Cavazza C, Renesto P, Schneider D, Maurin M, Coves J, Crouzy S and Michaud-Soret I
Structural and functional studies of the metalloregulator Fur identify a promoter-binding mechanism and its role in Francisella tularensis virulence.
Communications Biology, 2018, 1: 93

Py B, Gerez C, Huguenot A, Vidaud C, Fontecave M, de Choudens SO and Barras F
The ErpA/NfuA complex builds an oxidation-resistant Fe-S cluster delivery pathway.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018, 293(20): 7689-7702

Rulev M, Melnikov I, Carpentier P, Kovalev K, Astashkin R, Gordeliy V, Leonard G and Popov A
X-Ray structural studies of membrane proteins at high pressure.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2018, 50:(6): 576-577

Schindler J, Traber P, Zedler L, Zhang Y, Lefebvre JF, Kupfer S, Gräfe S, Demeunynck M, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Dietzek B
Photophysics of a ruthenium complex with a π-extended dipyridophenazine ligand for DNA quadruplex labeling.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2018, 122(32): 6558-6569

Schindler J, Zhang Y, Traber P, Lefebvre JF, Kupfer S, Demeunynck M, Grafe S, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Dietzek B
A ππ* state enables photoaccumulation of charges on a π-extended dipyridophenazine ligand in a Ru(II) polypyridine complex.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(1): 83-95

Turon V, Anxionnaz-Minvielle Z and Willison JC
Replacing incandescent lamps with an LED panel for hydrogen production by photofermentation: Visible and NIR wavelength requirements.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(16): 7784-7794

Volbeda A, Saez Cabodevilla J, Darnault C, Gigarel O, Han TH, Renoux O, Hamelin O, Ollagnier-de-Choudens S, Amara P and Fontecilla-Camps JC
Crystallographic trapping of reaction intermediates in quinolinic acid synthesis by NadA.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2018, 13(5): 1209-1217

Windle CD, Massin J, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Artero V
A protocol for quantifying hydrogen evolution by dye-sensitized molecular photocathodes and its implementation for evaluating a new covalent architecture based on an optimized dye-catalyst dyad.
Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47(31): 10509-10516


Ameziane-Le Hir S, Bourgeois D, Basset C, Hagègec A and Vidaud C
Reactivity of U-associated osteopontin with lactoferrin: a one-to-many complex.
Metallomics, 2017, 9(7): 865-875

Arragain S, Bimai O, Legrand P, Caillat S, Ravanat JL, Touati N, Binet L, Atta M, Fontecave M, Golinelli-Pimpaneau B and Buckel W
Nonredox thiolation in tRNA occurring via sulfur activation by a [4Fe-4S] cluster.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2017, 114(28): 7355-7360

Barras F and S Ollagnier de Choudens
Genetic, Biochemical, and Biophysical Methods for Studying Fe-S Proteins and Their Assembly" for the book "Fe-S Cluster Enzymes Part A”. Methods in enzymol. 2017, Vol 595, Edited by Sheila S. David, pp. 1-32.

Beilschmidt LK, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Fournier M, Sanakis I, Hograindleur MA, Clémancey M, Blondin G, Schmucker S, Eisenmann A, Weiss A, Koebel P, Messaddeq N, Puccio H and Martelli A
ISCA1 is essential for mitochondrial Fe4S4 biogenesis in vivo.
Nature Communications, 2017, 8: Article number 15124

Caserta G, Pecqueur L, Adamska-Venkatesh A, Papini C, Roy S, Artero V, Atta M, Reijerse E, Lubitz W and Fontecave M
Structural and functional characterization of the hydrogenase maturation HydF protein.
Nature Chemical Biology, 2017, 13: 779-784

Chevallet M, Veronesi G, Fuchs A, Mintz E, Michaud-Soret I and Deniaud A
Impact of labile metal nanoparticles on cellular homeostasis. Current developments in imaging, synthesis and applications.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2017, 1861(6): 1566-1577

Colloc’ N, Carpentier P, Montemiglio L. C, Vallone B and Prangé T
Mapping hydrophobic tunnels and cavities in neuroglobin with noble gas under pressure.
Biophysical Journal, 2017, 113,(10): 2199-2206

David R, Jamet H, Niviere V, Moreau Y and Milet A
Iron hydroperoxide intermediate in superoxide reductase: Protonation or dissociation first? MM dynamics and QM/MM metadynamics study.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2017, 13(6): 2987-3004

Godon C, Teulon JM, Odorico M, Basset C, Meillan M, Vellutini L, Chen SW and Pellequer JL
Conditions to minimize soft single biomolecule deformation when imaging with atomic force microscopy.
Journal of Structural Biology, 2017

Juillan-Binard C, Picciocchi A, Andrieu JP, Dupuy J, Petit-Hartlein I, Caux-Thang C, Vives C, Niviere V and Fieschi F
A Two-component NADPH Oxidase (NOX)-like system in bacteria is involved in the electron transfer chain to the methionine sulfoxide reductase MsrP.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017, 292(6): 2485-2494

Kathirvelu V, Perche-Letuvee P, Latour JM, Atta M, Forouhar F, Gambarelli S and Garcia-Serres R
Spectroscopic evidence for cofactor-substrate interaction in the radical-SAM enzyme TYW1.
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46(39): 13211-13219

Liu W, Worms IAM, Herlin-Boime N, Truffier-Boutry D, Michaud-Soret I, Mintz E, Vidaud C and Rollin-Genetet F
Interaction of silver nanoparticles with metallothionein and ceruloplasmin: Impact on metal substitution by Ag(I), corona formation and enzymatic activity.
Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 6581 - 6594

Lopez S, Rondot L, Cavazza C, Iannello M, Boeri-Erba E, Burzlaff N, Strinitz F, Jorge-Robin A, Marchi-Delapierre C and Ménage S
Efficient conversion of alkenes to chlorohydrins by a Ru-based artificial enzyme.
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53(25): 3579-3582

Lopez S, Rondot L, Leprêtre C, Marchi-Delapierre C, Ménage S and Cavazza C
Cross-linked artificial enzyme crystals as heterogeneous catalysts for oxidation reactions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139(49): 17994-18002

Mulliez E, Duarte V, Arragain S, Fontecave M and Atta M
On the role of additional 4 Fe-4S clusters with a free coordination site in radical-SAM enzymes.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 2017, 5: Article Number 17

Ollagnier de Choudens S and Barras F
Chapter one: Genetic, biochemical, and biophysical methods for studying FeS proteins and their assembly In Methods in Enzymology, 2017, 595: 1-32

Ollagnier de Choudens S and Puccio H
Iron–Sulfur cluster assembly in bacteria and eukarya using the ISC biosynthesis machinery, in Encyclopedia on Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry. In Metalloprotein Active Site Assembly, Edited by Michael K. Johnson and Robert A. Scott. Chichester, UK John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017, pp. 1-19

Predoi D, Iconaru SL, Deniaud A, Chevallet M, Michaud-Soret I, Buton N and Prodan AM
Textural, structural and biological evaluation of hydroxyapatite doped with zinc at low concentrations.
Materials, 2017, 10(3): Article number 229

Timm J, Brochier-Armanet C, Perard J, Zambelli B, Ollagnier-de-Choudens S, Ciurli S and Cavazza C
The CO dehydrogenase accessory protein CooT is a novel nickel-binding protein.
Metallomics, 2017, 9(5): 575-583

Valette O, Tran TTT, Cavazza C, Caudeville E, Brasseur G, Dolla A, Talla E and Pieulle L
Biochemical function, molecular structure and evolution of an atypical thioredoxin reductase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 1855


Caserta G, Adamska-Venkatesh A, Pecqueur L, Atta M, Artero V, Roy S, Reijerse E, Lubitz W and Fontecave M
Chemical assembly of multiple metal cofactors: The heterologously expressed multidomain [FeFe]-hydrogenase from Megasphaera elsdenii.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 2016, 1857(11): 1734-1740

Cavazza C
Extracytoplasmic Nickel-binding proteins In Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016

Cherrier MV, Ollagnier de Choudens S and Fontecilla-Camps JC
Fe4S4 Quinolinate Synthase (NadA).
Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2016

Chevallet M, Gallet B, Fuchs A, Jouneau PH, Um K, Mintz E and Michaud-Soret I
Metal homeostasis disruption and mitochondrial dysfunction in hepatocytes exposed to sub-toxic doses of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
Nanoscale, 2016, 8(43): 18495-18506

Creff G, Safi S, Roques J, Michel H, Jeanson A, Solari PL, Basset C, Simoni E, Vidaud C and Den Auwer C
Actinide(IV) deposits on bone: Potential role of the osteopontin-thorium complex.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55(1): 29-36

Grosskopf T, Consuegra J, Gaffe J, Willison JC, Lenski RE, Soyer OS and Schneider D
Metabolic modelling in a dynamic evolutionary framework predicts adaptive diversification of bacteria in a long-term evolution experiment.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2016, 16(1): 163

Kaeffer N, Massin J, Lebrun C, Renault O, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Artero V
Covalent design for dye-sensitized H2-evolving photocathodes based on a cobalt diimine-dioxime catalyst.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(38): 12308-12311

Kandiah E, Carriel D, Perard J, Malet H, Bacia M, Liu K, Chan SW, Houry WA, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Elsen S and Gutsche I
Structural insights into the Escherichia coli lysine decarboxylases and molecular determinants of interaction with the AAA+ ATPase RavA
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: Article number 24601

Lafumat B, Mueller-Dieckmann C, Leonard G, Colloc'h N, Prangé T, Giraud T, Dobias F, Royant A, van Der Linden P and Carpentier P
Gas-sensitive biological crystals processed in pressurized oxygen and krypton atmospheres: deciphering gas channels in proteins using a novelsoak-and-freeze'methodology.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016, 49: 1478-1487

Mathieu S, Cissé C, Vitale S, Ahmadova A, Degardin M, Pérard J, Colas P, Miras R, Boturyn D, Covès J, Crouzy S and Michaud-Soret I
From peptide aptamers to inhibitors of FUR, bacterial transcriptional regulator of iron homeostasis and virulence.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2016, 11(9): 2519-2528
Spotlight by A. D. Shudofsky. Small peptide inhibits an essential bacterial transcription factor by blocking DNA binding. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2016, 29: 1367−1368

Molle T, Clémancey M, Latour JM, Kathirvelu V, Sicoli G, Forouhar F, Mulliez E, Gambarelli S and Atta M
Unanticipated coordination of tris buffer to the Radical SAM cluster of the RimO methylthiotransferase.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 21(4): 549-557

Molle T, Moreau Y, Clémancey M, Forouhar F, Ravanat JL, Duraffourg N, Fourmond V, Latour JM, Gambarelli S, Mulliez E and Atta M
Redox behavior of the S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM)-binding Fe-S Cluster in methylthiotransferase RimO, toward understanding dual SAM activity.
Biochemistry, 2016, 55(41): 5798-5808

Payet LA, Leroux M, Willison John C, Kihara A, Pelosi L and Pierrel F
Mechanistic details of early steps in coenzyme Q biosynthesis pathway in yeast.
Cell Chemical Biology, 2016, 23(10): 1241-1250

Pérard J, Covès J, Castellan M, Solard C, Savard M, Miras R, Galop S, Signor L, Crouzy S, Michaud-Soret I and De Rosny E
Quaternary structure of Fur proteins, a new subfamily of tetrameric proteins.
Biochemistry, 2016, 55(10): 1503-1515

Popa CL, Deniaud A, Michaud-Soret I, Guegan R, Motelica-Heino M and Predoi D
Structural and biological assessment of zinc doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles.
Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016, 2016: article number 1062878

Regnault C, Willison J, Veyrenc S, Airieau A, Meresse P, Fortier M, Fournier M, Brousseau P, Raveton M and Reynaud S
Metabolic and immune impairments induced by the endocrine disruptors benzo[a]pyrene and triclosan in Xenopus tropicalis.
Chemosphere, 2016, 155: 519-527

Sethu R, Gouré E, Signor L, Caux-Thang C, Clémancey M, Duarte V and Latour JM
Reaction of PerR with molecular oxygen may assist HO sensing in anaerobes.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2016, 11(5): 1438-1444

Veronesi G, Deniaud A, Gallon T, Jouneau PH, Villanova J, Delangle P, Carrière M, Kieffer I, Charbonnier P, Mintz E and Michaud-Soret I
Visualization, quantification and coordination of Ag+ ions released from silver nanoparticles in hepatocytes.
Nanoscale, 2016, 8(38): 17012-17021

Volbeda A, Darnault C, Renoux O, Reichmann D, Amara P, Ollagnier de Choudens S and Fontecilla-Camps JC
Crystal structures of quinolinate synthase in complex with a substrate analogue, the condensation intermediate, and substrate-derived product.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(36): 11802-11809


Adamska-Venkatesh A, Simmons TR, Siebel JF, Artero V, Fontecave M, Reijerse E and Lubitz W
Artificially maturated [FeFe] hydrogenase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: A HYSCORE and ENDOR study of a non-natural H-cluster.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(7): 5421-5430

Artero V, Berggren G, Atta M, Caserta G, Roy S, Pecqueur L and Fontecave M
From enzyme maturation to synthetic chemistry: The case of hydrogenases.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48(8): 2380-2387

Aurelius O, Johansson R, Bagenholm V, Lundin D, Tholander F, Balhuizen A, Beck T, Sahlin M, Sjoberg BM, Mulliez E and Logan DT
The crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima class III ribonucleotide reductase lacks a radical cysteine pre-positioned in the active site.
PLoS One, 2015, 10(7): e0128199

Blanc B, Gerez C and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Assembly of Fe/S proteins in bacterial systems. Biochemistry of the bacterial ISC system.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, 2015, 1853(6): 1436-1447

Bourgeteau T, Tondelier D, Geffroy B, Brisse R, Cornut R, Artero V and Jousselme B
Enhancing the performances of P3HT:PCBM–MoS3-Based H2-Evolving photocathodes with interfacial layers.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2015, 7(30): 16395-16403

Caserta G, Roy S, Atta M, Artero V and Fontecave M
Artificial hydrogenases:Biohybrid and supramolecular systems for catalytic hydrogen production or uptake.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2015, 25: 36-47

Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Chenevier P and Artero V
Chapter 9: Bio-Organometallic systems for the hydrogen economy: Engineering of electrode materials and light-driven devices In Bioorganometallic Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery, Biocatalysis, and Imaging, Edited by Jaouen G and Salmain M, Wiley, 2015, pp 273-304

Huan TN, Andreiadis ES, Heidkamp J, Simon P, Derat E, Cobo S, Royal G, Bergmann A, Strasser P, Dau H, Artero V and Fontecave M
From molecular copper complexes to composite electrocatalytic materials for selective reduction of CO2 to formic acid.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(7): 3901-3907

Huan TN, Shinde DV, Kim S, Han SH, Artero V and Chung H
Forest of Pt–Au–Ag tri-metallic nanodendrites as an effcient electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation reaction.
Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, 2015, 5: 6940-6944

Jane RT, Tran PD, Andreiadis ES, Pécaut J and Artero V
A simple method for the preparation of bio-inspired nickel bisdiphosphine hydrogen-evolving catalysts.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2015, 18(7): 752-757

Kaeffer N, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Artero V
Hydrogen evolution catalyzed by cobalt diimine-dioxime complexes.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48(5): 1286-95

Lebrette H, Borezee-Durant E, Martin L, Richaud P, Boeri Erba E and Cavazza C
Novel insights into nickel import in Staphylococcus aureus: The positive role of free histidine and structural characterization of a new thiazolidine-type nickel chelator.
Metallomics, 2015, 7(4): 613-621

Marchi-Delapierre C, Rondot L, Cavazza C and Ménage S
Oxidation catalysis by rationally designed artificial metalloenzymes.
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 55(1): 61-75

Massin J, Bräutigam M, Kaeffer N, Queyriaux N, Field MJ, Schacher FH, Popp J, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Dietzek B and Artero V
Dye-sensitized PS-b-P2VP-templated nickel oxide films for photoelectrochemical applications.
Interface Focus, 2015, 5(3): 1-10

Morozan A, Donck S, Artero V, Gravel E and Doris E
Carbon nanotubes-gold nanohybrid as potent electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction in alkaline media.
Nanoscale, 2015, 7(41): 17274-17277

Queyriaux N, Jane RT, Massin J, Artero V and Chavarot-Kerlidou M
Recent developments in hydrogen evolving molecular cobalt(II)–polypyridyl catalysts.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2015, 304-305: 3-19

Reichmann D, Couté Y and Ollagnier De Choudens S
Dual activity of quinolinate synthase: Triose phosphate isomerase and dehydration activities play together to form quinolinate.
Biochemistry, 2015, 54(42): 6443-6446

Roche B, Agrebi R, Huguenot A, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Barras F and Py B
Turning Escherichia coli into a Frataxin-Dependent Organism.
PLoS Genetics, 2015, 11(5): e1005134

Roy S, Bacchi M, Berggren G and Artero V
A systematic comparative study of hydrogen-evolving molecular catalysts in aqueous solutions.
ChemSusChem, 2015, 8(21): 3632-3638

Tran DP, Fontecave M and Artero V
Electrode materials and artificial photosynthetic systems In Bioinspired Catalysis: Metal-Sulfur Complexes, Edited by Weigand W and Schollhammer P, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2015, Chap.14: pp 385-410

Tran PD, Morozan A, Archambault S, Heidkamp J, Chenevier P, Dau H, Fontecave M, Martinent A, Jousselme B and Artero V
A noble metal-free proton-exchange membrane fuel cell based on bio-inspired molecular catalysts.
Chemical Science, 2015, 6(3): 2050-2053

Vinella D, Fischer F, Vorontsov E, Gallaud J, Malosse C, Michel V, Cavazza C, Robbe-Saule M, Richaud P, Chamot-Rooke J, Brochier-Armanet C and De Reuse H
Evolution of Helicobacter: Acquisition by gastric species of two histidine-rich proteins essential for colonization.
PLoS Pathogens, 2015, 11(12): e1005312


Aussel L, Loiseau L, Hajj Chehade M, Pocachard B, Fontecave M, Pierrel F and Barras F
ubiJ, a new gene required for aerobic growth and proliferation in macrophage, is involved in coenzyme Q biosynthesis in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
Journal of Bacteriology, 2014, 196(1): 70-79

Aussel L, Pierrel F, Loiseau L, Lombard M, Fontecave M and Barras F
Biosynthesis and physiology of coenzyme Q in bacteria.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 2014, 1837(7): 1004-1011

Bacchi M, Berggren G, Niklas J, Veinberg E, Mara MW, Shelby ML, Poluektov OG, Chen LX, Tiede DM, Cavazza C, Field MJ, Fontecave M and Artero V
Cobaloxime-based artificial hydrogenases.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53(15): 8071-8082

Berggren G, Garcia-Serres R, Brazzolotto X, Clemancey M, Gambarelli S, Atta M, Latour JM, Hernandez HL, Subramanian S, Johnson MK and Fontecave M
An EPR/HYSCORE, Mossbauer, and resonance Raman study of the hydrogenase maturation enzyme HydF: A model for N-coordination to [4Fe-4S] clusters.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 19(1): 75-84

Bhattacharjee A, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Dempsey JL, Gray HB, Fujita E, Muckerman JT, Fontecave M, Artero V, Arantes GM and Field MJ
Theoretical modeling of low-energy electronic absorption bands in reduced cobaloximes.
Chemphyschem, 2014, 15(14): 2951-2958

Bhattacharjee A, Weiss AK, Artero V, Field MJ and Hofer TS
Electronic structure and hydration of tetramine cobalt hydride complexes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, 118(20): 5551-5561

Blanc B, Clémancey M, Latour JM, Fontecave M and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Molecular investigation of Iron-Sulfur cluster assembly scaffolds under stress.
Biochemistry, 2014, 53(50): 7867-77869

Bonnot F, Tremey E, von Stetten D, Rat S, Duval S, Carpentier P, Clémancey M, Desbois A and Nivière V
Formation of high-valent iron-oxo species in superoxide reductase: Characterization by resonance Raman spectroscopy.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(23): 5926-5930

Bouvier D, Labessan N, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Ravanat JL, Fontecave M and Atta M
TtcA a new tRNA-thioltransferase with an Fe-S cluster.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42(12): 7960-7970

Brazzolotto X, Pierrel F and Pelosi L
Three conserved histidyl residues contribute to mitochondrial iron transport through mitoferrins.
Biochemical Journal, 2014, 460(1): 79-89

Cherrier MV, Chan A, Darnault C, Reichmann D, Amara P, Ollagnier de Choudens S and Fontecilla-Camps JC
The crystal structure of Fe4S4 Quinolinate synthase unravels an enzymatic dehydration mechanism that uses Tyrosine and a hydrolase-type triad.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(14): 5253-5256

Doimo M, Trevisson E, Airik R, Bergdoll M, Santos-Ocaña C, Hildebrandt F, Navas P, Pierrel F and Salviati L
Effect of vanillic acid on COQ6 mutants identified in patients with coenzyme Q10 deficiency.
Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 2014, 1842(1): 1-6

Elgrishi N, Chambers MB, Artero V and Fontecave M
Terpyridine complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16(27): 13635-13644

Estellon J, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Smadja M, Fontecave M and Vandenbrouck Y
An integrative computational model for large-scale identification of metalloproteins in microbial genomes: A focus on iron-sulfur cluster proteins.
Metallomics, 2014, 6(10): 1913-1930

Lebrette H, Brochier-Armanet C, Zambelli B, de Reuse H, Borezee-Durant E, Ciurli S and Cavazza C
Promiscuous nickel import in human pathogens: Structure, thermodynamics, and evolution of extracytoplasmic nickel-binding proteins.
Structure, 2014, 22(10): 1421-1432

Magnin JP, Gondrexon N and Willison JC
Zinc biosorption by the purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2014, 60(12): 829-837

Nicolaes V, El Hajjaji H, Davis RM, Van der Henst C, Depuydt M, Leverrier P, Aertsen A, Haufroid V, Ollagnier de Choudens S, De Bolle X, Ruiz N and Collet JF
Insights into the function of YciM, a heat shock membrane protein required to maintain envelope integrity in Escherichia coli.
Journal of Bacteriology, 2014, 196(2): 300-309

Rat S, Ménage S, Thomas F and Nivière V
Non-heme iron hydroperoxo species in superoxide reductase as a catalyst for oxidation reactions.
Chemical Communications (Camb), 2014, 50(91): 14213-14216

Simmons TR, Berggren G, Bacchi M, Fontecave M and Artero V
Mimicking hydrogenases: From biomimetics to artificial enzymes
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2014, 270–271: 127–150

Smolentsev G, Guda AA, Janousch M, Frieh C, Jud G, Zamponi F, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Artero V, van Bokhoven JA and Nachtegaal M
X-ray absorption spectroscopy with time-tagged photon counting: Application to study the structure of a Co(i) intermediate of H2 evolving photo-catalyst.
Faraday Discussions, 2014, 171: 259-273


Andreiadis ES, Jacques PA, Tran PD, Leyris A, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Jousselme B, Matheron M, Pécaut J, Palacin S, Fontecave M and Artero V
Molecular engineering of a Cobalt-based electrocatalytic nano-material for H2 evolution under fully aqueous conditions.
Nature Chemistry, 2013, 5(1): 48-53

Artero V, Comtat M, Guillet N and Huerta-Ortega B
La filière hydrogène In Défi énergétique et nanosciences, Edited by Romulus AM, CNDP-CRDP, 2013, p 163-208

Artero V and Fontecave M
Solar fuels generation and molecular systems: Is it homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis?
Chemical Society Reviews, 2013, 42(6): 2338-2356

Artero V, Gloaguen F, Fontecave M and Schollhammer P
Biomasse : filière chimique bio-inspiréée In L'énergie à découvert, Edited by Mosseri R and Jeandel C, CNRS Editions, 2013, pp 158-159

Berggren G, Adamska A, Lambertz C, Simmons TR, Esselborn J, Atta M, Gambarelli S, Mouesca JM, Reijerse E, Lubitz W, Happe T, Artero V and Fontecave M
Biomimetic assembly and activation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases.
Nature, 2013, 499(7456): 66-69

Bhattacharjee A, Andreiadis ES, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Fontecave M, Field MJ and Artero V
A computational study of the mechanism of hydrogen evolution by cobalt(diimine-dioxime) catalysts.
Chemistry, 2013, 19(45): 15166-15174

Bourgeteau T, Tondelier D, Geffroy B, Brisse R, Laberty-Robert C, Campidelli S, de Bettignies R, Artero V, Palacin S and Jousselme B
A H2-evolving photocathode based on direct sensitization of MoS3 with an organic photovoltaic cell.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6(9): 2706-2713

Canaguier S, Fourmond V, Perotto CU, Fize J, Pécaut J, Fontecave M, Field MJ and Artero V
Catalytic hydrogen production by a Ni–Ru mimic of NiFe hydrogenases involves a proton-coupled electron transfer step.
Chemical Communications, 2013, 49(4): 5004-5006

Chenevier P, Mugherli L, Darbe S, Darchy L, DiManno S, Tran PD, Valentino F, Iannello M, Volbeda A, Cavazza C and Artero V
Hydrogenase enzymes: Application in biofuel cells and inspiration for the design of noble-metal free catalysts for H2 oxidation.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2013, 16(5): 491–505

Colin F, Martelli A, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Gambarelli S, Zeppieri L, Birck C, Page A, Puccio H and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Mammalian frataxin controls sulfur production and iron entry during de novo Fe4S4 cluster assembly.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(2): 733-740

Esselborn J, Lambertz C, Adamska-Venkatesh A, Simmons T, Berggren G, Noth J, Siebel J, Hemschemeier A, Artero V, Reijerse E, Fontecave M, Lubitz W and Happe T
Spontaneous activation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases by an inorganic [2Fe] active site mimic.
Nature Chemical Biology, 2013, 9(10): 607-609

Faunce T, Styring S, Wasielewski MR, Brudvig GW, Rutherford AW, Messinger J, Lee AF, Hill CL, deGroot H, Fontecave M, MacFarlane DR, Hankamer B, Nocera DG, Tiede DM, Dau H, Hillier W, Wang LZ and Amal R
Artificial photosynthesis as a frontier technology for energy sustainability.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6(4): 1074-1076

Forouhar F, Arragain S, Atta M, Gambarelli S, Mouesca JM, Hussain M, Xiao R, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Seetharaman J, Acton TB, Montelione GT, Mulliez E, Hunt JF and Fontecave M
Two Fe-S clusters catalyze sulfur insertion by radical-SAM methylthiotransferases.
Nature Chemical Biology, 2013, 9(5): 333-338

Hajj Chehade M, Loiseau L, Lombard M, Pecqueur L, Ismail A, Smadja M, Golinelli-Pimpaneau B, Mellot-Draznieks C, Hamelin O, Aussel L, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Labessan N, Barras F, Fontecave M and Pierrel F
ubiI, a new gene in Escherichia coli Coenzyme Q biosynthesis, is involved in aerobic C5-hydroxylation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 288(27): 20085-20092

Hamd W, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Fize J, Muller G, Leyris A, Matheron M, Courtin E, Fontecave M, Sanchez C, Artero V and Laberty-Robert C
Dye-sensitized nanostructured crystalline mesoporous tin-doped indium oxide films with tunable thickness for photoelectrochemical applications.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1(28): 8217-8225

Hamdane D, Bruch E, Un S, Field M and Fontecave M
Activation of a unique flavin-dependent tRNA-methylating agent.
Biochemistry, 2013), 52(49): 8949-8956

Hijazi A, Kemmegne-Mbouguen JC, Floquet S, Marrot J, Fize J, Artero V, David O, Magnier E, Pégot B and Cadot E
Tuning the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction promoted by [Mo2O2S2]-based molybdenum cycles in aqueous medium.
Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(14): 4848-4858

Matt B, Fize J, Moussa J, Amouri H, Pereira A, Artero A, Izzet G and Proust A
Charge photo-accumulation and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light at an iridium(III)-photosensitized polyoxotungstate.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6: 1504-1508

Simmons TR and Artero V
Catalytic hydrogen oxidation: Dawn of a new iron age.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52(24): 6143-6155

Smolentsev G, Guda A, Zhang X, Haldrup K, Andreiadis ES, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Canton SE, Nachtegaal M, Artero V and Sundstrom V
Pump-Flow-Probe X-ray absorption spectroscopy as a tool for studying intermediate states of photocatalytic systems.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2013, 117(34): 17367-17375

Thapper A, Styring S, Saracco G, Rutherford AW, Robert B, Magnuson A, Lubitz W, Llobet A, Kurz P, Holzwarth A, Fiechter S, de Groot H, Campagna S, Braun A, Bercegol H and Artero A
Artificial photosynthesis for solar fuels – An evolving research field within AMPEA, a joint programme of the European Energy Research Alliance.
Green, 2013, 3(1): 43–57

Tran PD, Chiam SY, Boix PP, Ren Y, Pramana SS, Fize J, Artero V and Barber J
Novel cobalt/nickel–tungsten-sulfide catalysts for electrocatalytic hydrogen generation from water.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6: 2452-2459

Tremey E, Bonnot F, Moreau Y, Berthomieu C, Desbois A, Favaudon V, Blondin G, Houee-Levin C and Nivière V
Hydrogen bonding to the cysteine ligand of superoxide reductase: Acid-base control of the reaction intermediates.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 18(7): 815-830

Vinella D, Loiseau L, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Fontecave M and Barras F
In vivo [Fe-S] cluster acquisition by IscR and NsrR, two stress regulators in Escherichia coli.
Molecular Microbiology, 2013, 87(3): 493-508

Willison JC and Magnin JP
Chapter 8: Role and evolution of endogenous plasmids in photosynthetic bacteria In Genome Evolution of Photosynthetic Bacteria. (Edited by J.T. Beatty. Advances in Botanical Research, 2013, 66: 227-265


Andreiadis ES, Jacques PA, Tran PD, Leyris A, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Jousselme B, Matheron M, Pécaut J, Palacin S, Fontecave M and Artero V
Molecular engineering of a Cobalt-based electrocatalytic nano-material for H2 evolution under fully aqueous conditions.
Nature Chemistry, 2013, 5(1): 48-53

Atta M, Arragain S, Fontecave M, Mulliez E, Hunt JF, Luff JD and Forouhar F
The methylthiolation reaction mediated by the Radical-SAM enzymes.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 2012, 1824(11): 1223–1230

Bhattacharjee A, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Andreiadis ES, Fontecave M, Field MJ and Artero V
Combined experimental-theoretical characterization of the hydrido-cobaloxime [HCo(dmgH)2(PnBu3)].
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51(13): 7087-7093

Bonnot F, Molle T, Ménage S, Moreau Y, Duval S, Favaudon V, Houee-Levin C and Nivière V
Control of the evolution of iron peroxide intermediate in superoxide reductase from Desulfoarculus baarsii. Involvement of lysine 48 in protonation.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(11): 5120-5130

Castillo P, Magnin JP, Velasquez M and Willison J
Modeling and optimization of hydrogen production by the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus by the methodology of design of experiments (DOE): Interaction between lactate concentration and light luminosity.
Energy Procedia, 2012, 29: 357-366

Chan A, Clémancey M, Mouesca JM, Amara P, Hamelin O, Latour JM and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Studies of inhibitor binding to the [4Fe-4S] cluster of quinolinate synthase.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012, 51(31): 7711-7714

Cobo S, Heidkamp J, Jacques PA, Fize J, Fourmond V, Guetaz L, Jousselme B, Ivanova V, Dau H, Palacin S, Fontecave M and Artero V
A Janus cobalt-based catalytic material for electro-splitting of water.
Nature Materials, 2012, 11(9): 802-807

Hamd W, Cobo S, Fize J, Baldinozzi G, Schwartz W, Reymermier M, Pereira A, Fontecave M, Artero V, Laberty-Robert C and Sanchez C
Mesoporous α-Fe2O3 thin films synthesized via the sol-gel process for light-driven water oxidation.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14(38):13224-13232

Ozeir M, Xie LX, Chehade MH, Tang JY, Chen JY, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Fontecave M, Clarke CF and Pierrel F
In vivo accumulation of coenzyme Q biosynthetic intermediates and aminated analogs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 2012, 1817, Supplement: S92

Perche-Letuvée P, Kathirvelu V, Berggren G, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Maurel V, Douki T, Armengaud J, Mulliez E, Fontecave M, Garcia-Serres R, Gambarelli S and Atta M
4-demethylwyosine synthase from Pyrococcus abyssi is a radical-S-adenosyl-L-methionine enzyme with an additional [4Fe-4S]+2 cluster that interacts with the pyruvate co-substrate.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, 287(49): 41174-41185

Py B, Gerez C, Angelini S, Planel R, Vinella D, Loiseau L, Talla E, Brochier-Armanet C, Garcia Serres R, Latour JM, Ollagnier-de Choudens S, Fontecave M and Barras F
Molecular organization, biochemical function, cellular role and evolution of NfuA, an atypical Fe-S carrier.
Molecular Microbiology, 2012, 86(1): 155-171

Tran PD, Nguyen M, Pramana SS, Bhattacharjee A, Chiam SY, Fize J, Field MJ, Artero V, Wong LH, Loob J and Barbe J
Copper molybdenum sulfide: A new efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen production from water.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2012, 5(10): 8912-8916

Xie LX, Ozeir M, Tang JY, Chen JY, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Fontecave M, Clarke CF and Pierrel F
Over-expression of the Coq8 kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae coq null mutants allows for accumulation of diagnostic intermediates of the Coenzyme Q6 biosynthetic pathway.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, 287(28): 23571-23581

Zhang P, Jacques PA, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Wang M, Sun L, Fontecave M and Artero V
Phosphine coordination to a cobalt diimine-dioxime catalyst increases stability during light-driven H2 production.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51(4): 2115-2120


Andreiadis ES, Chavarot-Kerlidou M, Fontecave M and Artero V
Artificial photosynthesis: From molecular catalysts for light-driven water splitting to photoelectrochemical cells.
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2011, 87: 946–964

This article made the page cover of the journal.
Cet article a fait la page de couverture du journal.

Artero V, Chavarot-Kerlidou M and Fontecave M
Splitting water with cobalt.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50(32): 7238-7266

Artero V and Fontecave M
Light-driven bioinspired water splitting: Recent developments in photoelectrode materials.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2011, 14(9): 799-810

Arwa A, Baup S, Gondrexon N, Magnin JP and Willison J
Enhancement of mass transfer characteristics and phenanthrene degradation in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor equipped with internal static mixers.
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2011, 16(2): 413-418

Barras F and Fontecave M
Cobalt stress in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica: Molecular bases for toxicity and resistance.
Metallomics, 2011, 3(11): 1130-1134

Bonnot F, Duval S, Lombard M, Valton J, Houee-Levin C and Nivière V
Intermolecular electron transfer in two-iron superoxide reductase: A putative role for the desulforedoxin center as an electron donor to the iron active site.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 16(6): 889-898

Canaguier S, Fontecave M and Artero V
Cp*--ruthenium-nickel-based H2-evolving electrocatalysts as bio-inspired models of NiFe hydrogenases.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 7: 1094-1099

Fontecave M
Methylations: A radical mechanism.
Chemistry and Biology, 2011, 18(5): 559-561

Fontecave M and Artero V
Bioinspired catalysis at the crossroads between biology and chemistry: A remarkable example of an electrocatalytic material mimicking hydrogenases.
Comptes Rendus de Chimie, 2011, 14(4): 362-371

Fontecilla-Camps JC, Tron C, Cherrier MV, Amara P, Martin L, Fauth F, Fraga E, Correard M, Fontecave M and Nicolet Y
Further characterization of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase maturase HydG.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 2011(7): 1121-1127

Fourmond V, Canaguier S, Golly B, Field MJ, Fontecave M and Artero V
A nickel–manganese catalyst as a biomimic of the active site of NiFe hydrogenases: A combined electrocatalytical and DFT mechanistic study.
Energy & Environmental Science, 2011, 4: 2417-2427

Hijazi A, Kemmegne-Mbouguen JC, Floquet S*, Marrot J, Mayer C, Artero V and Cadot E
Capture of the complex [Ni(dto)2]2- (dto2- = dithiooxalato ligand) in a Mo12-ring: Synthesis, characterizations and application toward the reduction of protons.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50(18): 9031-9038

Jouanneau Y, Martin F, Krivobok S and Willison J
Ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases involved in PAH biodegradation: Structure, function and biodiversity.
In A-I Koukkou ed., Microbial bioremediation of non-metals: Current research, 2011, pp. 149-175, Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK

Léger A, Fontecave M, Labeyrie A, Samuel B, Demangeon O and Valencia D
Is the presence of oxygen on an exoplanet a reliable biosignature?
Astrobiology, 2011, 11(4): 335-341

Nivière V, Bonnot F and Bourgeois D
Superoxide Reductase In Handbook of metalloproteins, Edited by Messerschmidt A, John Wiley & Sons, vol.4&5, 2011, pp. 246-258

Ozeir M, Mühlenhoff U, Webert H, Lill R, Fontecave M and Pierrel F
Coenzyme Q biosynthesis: Coq6 is required for the C5-hydroxylation reaction and substrate analogs rescue Coq6 defciency.
Chemistry & Biology, 2011, 18: 1134–1142

Tran PD, Le Goff A, Heidkamp J, Jousselme B, Guillet N, Palacin S, Dau H, Fontecave M and Artero V
Noncovalent modification of carbon nanotubes with pyrene-functionalized nickel complexes: Carbon monoxide tolerant catalysts for hydrogen evolution and uptake.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50(6): 1371-1374

Tron C, Cherrier MV, Amara P, Martin L, Fauth F, Fraga E, Correard M, Fontecave M, Nicolet Y and Fontecilla-Camps JC
Further characterization of the [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Maturase HydG.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 2011(7): 1221-1227

Wei FY, Suzuki T, Watanabe S, Kimura S, Kaitsuka T, Fujimura A, Matsui H, Atta M, Michiue H, Fontecave M, Yamagata K, Suzuki T and Tomizawa K
Deficit of tRNA(Lys) modification by Cdkal1 causes the development of type 2 diabetes in mice.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, 121(9): 3598-3608


Arragain S, Garcia-Serres R, Blondin G, Douki T, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Forouhar F, Neely H, Montelione GT, Hunt JF, Mulliez E, Fontecave M and Atta M
Post-translational modification of ribosomal proteins: Structural and functional characterization of RimO from Thermotoga maritima, a radical-SAM methylthiotransferase.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(8): 5792-5801

Arragain S, Handelman SK, Forouhar F, Wei FY, Tomizawa K, Hunt JF, Douki T, Fontecave M, Mulliez E and Atta M
Identification of eukaryotic and prokaryotic methythiotransferases for biosynthesis of 2-methylthio-N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine in tRNA.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(37): 28425-28433

Atta M, Mulliez E, Arragain S, Forouhar F, Hunt JF and Fontecave M
S-Adenosylmethionine-dependent radical-based modification of biological macromolecules.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2010, 20(6): 684-692

Bestwick M, Khalimonchuk O, Pierrel F and Winge DR
The role of Coa2 in hemylation of yeast Cox1 revealed by its genetic interaction with Cox10.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010, 30(1): 172-185

Bonnot F, Houée-Levin C, Favaudon V and Nivière V
Photochemical processes observed during the reaction of superoxide reductase from Desulfoarculus baarsii with superoxide: Re-evaluation of the reaction mechanism.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 2010, 1804(4): 762-767

Canaguier S, Field M, Oudart Y, Pecaut J, Fontecave M and Artero V
A structural and functional mimic of the active site of NiFe hydrogenases.
Chemical Communications, 2010, 46(32): 5876-5878

Cournac L, Sarma PM and Fontecave M
Biohydrogen: From basic concepts to technology.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(19): 10638

Fantino JR, Py B, Fontecave M and Barras F
A genetic analysis of the response of Escherichia coli to cobalt stress.
Environmental Microbiology, 2010, 12(10): 2846-2857

Fontecave M
Understanding life as molecules: Reductionism versus vitalism.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2010, 49(24): 4016-4019

Fontecave M
Catalytic transfer of chiral information from an organic compound to a coordination complex.
Chemcatchem, 2010, 2(12): 1533-1534

Fourmond V, Jacques PA, Fontecave M and Artero V
H2 evolution and molecular electrocatalysts: Determination of overpotentials and effect of homoconjugation.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49: 10338–10347

Gambarelli S, Mulliez E and Fontecave M
Iron sulfur clusters in Radical-SAM enzymes: Spectroscopy and coordination In Biological Magnetic Resonance, 2010, vol.29, chap.4, pp 53-90

Le Goff A, Artero V, Metayé R, Moggia F, Jousselme B, Razavet M, Tran PD, Palacin S and Fontecave M
Immobilization of FeFe hydrogenase mimics onto carbon and gold electrodes by controlled aryldiazonium salt reduction: an electrochemical, XPS and ATR-IR study.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(19): 10790-10796

Le Goff A, Moggia F, Debou N, Jegou P, Artero V, Fontecave M, Jousselme B and Palacin S
Facile and tunable functionalization of carbon nanotube electrodes with ferrocene by covalent coupling and [pi]-stacking interactions and their relevance to glucose bio-sensing.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 641(1-2): 57-63

Mühlenhoff U, Molik S, Godoy JR, Uzarska MA, Richter N, Seubert A, Zhang Y, Stubbe J, Pierrel F, Herrero E, Lillig CH and Lill R
Cytosolic monothiol glutaredoxins function in intracellular iron sensing and trafficking via their bound iron-sulfur cluster.
Cell Metabolism, 2010, 12(4): 373-385

Nicolet Y, Fontecilla-Camps JC and Fontecave M
Maturation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases: Structures and mechanisms.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(19): 10750-10760

Pierrel F, Hamelin O, Douki T, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Mühlenhoff U, Ozeir M, Lill R and Fontecave M
Involvement of mitochondrial ferredoxin and para-aminobenzoic acid in yeast coenzyme Q biosynthesis.
Chemistry & Biology, 2010, 17(5): 449-459

Tran PD, Artero V and Fontecave M
Water electrolysis and photoelectrolysis on electrodes engineered using biological and bio-inspired molecular systems.
Energy and Environmental Science, 2010, 3(6): 727-747

Vaccaro L, Artero V, Canaguier S, Fontecave M and Field MJ
Mechanism of hydrogen evolution catalyzed by NiFe hydrogenases: Insights from a Ni-Ru model compound.
Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39(12): 3043-3049

Wollers S, Layer G, Garcia-Serres R, Signor L, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Fontecave M and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly: The SufBCD complex is a new type of Fe-S scaffold with a flavin redox cofactor.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(30): 23331-23341


Atta M, Fontecave M and Mulliez E
RNA-modifying metalloenzymes In DNA and RNA Modification Enzymes: Comparative Structure, Mechanism, Functions, Cellular, Interactions and Evolution, Edited by H. Grosjean, 2009, chap.24. Landes Bioscience, pp 347-362

Canaguier S, Vaccaro L, Artero V, Ostermann R, Pecaut J, Field MJ and Fontecave M
Cyclopentadienyl ruthenium-nickel catalysts for biomimetic hydrogen evolution: Electrocatalytic properties and mechanistic DFT studies.
Chemistry A European Journal, 2009, 15(37): 9350-9364

Chimnaronk S, Forouhar F, Sakai J, Yao M, Tron CM, Atta M, Fontecave M, Hunt JF and Tanaka I
Snapshots of dynamics in synthesizing N6-isopentenyladenosine at the tRNA anticodon.
Biochemistry, 2009, 48(23): 5057-5065

Gupta V, Sendra M, Naik SG, Chahal HK, Huynh BH, Outten FW, Fontecave M and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Native Escherichia coli SufA, coexpressed with SufBCDSE, purifies as a [2Fe-2S] protein and acts as an Fe-S transporter to Fe-S target enzymes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(17): 6149-6153

Jacques PA, Artero V, Pécaut J and Fontecave M
Cobalt and nickel diimine-dioxime complexes as molecular electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution with low overvoltages.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2009, 106(49): 20627–20632

Le Goff A, Artero V, Jousselme B, Dinh Tran P, Guillet N, Métayé R, Fihri A, Palacin S and Fontecave M
From hydrogenases to noble metal-free catalytic nanomaterials for H2 production and uptake.
Science, 2009, 326(5958): 1384-1387

Luttringer F, Mulliez E, Dublet B, Lemaire D and Fontecave M
The Zn center of the anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase from E. coli.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 14(6): 923-933

Moulis JM, Havaux M, Rey P and Ollagnier de Choudens S
Mécanismes d'interactions aux niveaux moléculaire et cellulaire. Mécanismes Moléculaires, "Interactions entre homéostasie redox et toxicité des métaux" in Toxicologie Nucléaire Environnementale et Humaine, 2009, Lavoisier pp 157-172

Oudart Y, Artero V, Norel L, Train C, Pécaut J and Fontecave M
Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic properties and reactivity of a Ni-Ru model of NiFe hydrogenases with a pentacoordinated triplet (S = 1) NiII center.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2009, 694(17): 2866-2869

Pilet E, Nicolet Y, Mathevon C, Douki T, Fontecilla-Camps JC and Fontecave M
The role of the maturase HydG in [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site synthesis and assembly.
FEBS Letters, 2009, 583(3): 506-511

Trotter V, Vinella D, Loiseau L, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Fontecave M and Barras F
The CsdA cysteine desulphurase promotes Fe/S biogenesis by recruiting Suf components and participates to a new sulphur transfer pathway by recruiting CsdL (ex-YgdL), a ubiquitin-modifying-like protein.
Molecular Microbiology, 2009, 74(6): 1527-42


Angelini S, Gerez C, Ollagnier-de Choudens S, Sanakis Y, Fontecave M, Barras F and Py B
NfuA, a new factor required for maturing Fe/S proteins in Escherichia coli under oxidative stress and iron starvation conditions.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(20): 14084-14091

Artero V and Fontecave M
Hydrogen evolution catalyzed by {CpFe(CO)2}-based complexes.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2008, 11(8): 926-931

Canaguier S, Artero V and Fontecave M
Modelling NiFe hydrogenases: nickel-based electrocatalysts for hydrogen production.
Dalton Transactions, 2008, 315-325

Canaguier S, Vaccaro L, Artero V, Ostermann R, Pecaut J, Field MJ and Fontecave M
Cyclopentadienyl ruthenium-nickel catalysts for biomimetic hydrogen evolution: Electrocatalytic properties and mechanistic DFT studies.
Chemistry, 2009, 15(37): 9350-9364

Chandor-Proust A, Berteau O, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Fontecave M and Atta M
DNA repair and free radicals: New insights into the mechanism of spore photoproduct lyase revealed by single amino acid substitution.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(52): 36361-36368

Fihri A, Artero V, Pereira A and Fontecave M
Efficient H2-producing photocatalytic systems based on cyclometalated iridium- and tricarbonylrhenium-diimine photosensitizers and cobaloxime catalysts.
Dalton Transactions, 2008, (41): 5567-5569

Fihri A, Artero V, Razavet M, Baffert C, Leibl W and Fontecave M
Cobaloxime-based photocatalytic devices for hydrogen production.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2008, 47(3): 564-567

Fontecave M, Mulliez E and Atta M
New light on methylthiolation reactions.
Chemistry and Biology, 2008, 15(3): 209-210

Fontecave M and Ollagnier-de-Choudens S
Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis in bacteria: Mechanisms of cluster assembly and transfer.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2008, 474(2): 226-237

Fontecave M, Py B, Ollagnier de Choudens S and Barras F
From iron and cysteine to iron-sulfur clusters: The biogenesis protein machineries. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella, 2008, Chapter, Editor Section: T. Begley

Hamelin O, Ménage S, Charnay F, Chavarot M, Pierre JL, Pecaut J and Fontecave M
New polydentate ligand and catalytic properties of the corresponding ruthenium complex during sulfoxidation and alkene epoxidation.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47(14): 6413-6420

Mantel C, Chandor A, Gasparutto D, Douki T, Atta M, Fontecave M, Bayle PA, Mouesca JM and Bardet M
Combined NMR and DFT studies for the absolute configuration elucidation of the spore photoproduct, a UV-induced DNA lesion.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130(50): 16978-16984

Nicolet Y, Rubach JK, Posewitz MC, Amara P, Mathevon C, Atta M, Fontecave M and Fontecilla-Camps JC
X-ray structure of the [fefe]-hydrogenase maturase hydE from Thermotoga maritima.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(27): 18861-18872

Rousset C, Fontecave M and Ollagnier de Choudens S
The [4Fe-4S] cluster of quinolinate synthase from Escherichia coli: Investigation of cluster ligands.
FEBS Letters, 2008, 582(19): 2937-2944

Valton J, Mathevon C, Fontecave M, Nivière V and Ballou DP
Mechanism and regulation of the Two-component FMN-dependent monooxygenase ActVA-ActVB from Streptomyces coelicolor.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(16): 10287-10296


Baffert C, Artero V and Fontecave M
Cobaloximes as functional models for hydrogenases. 2. Proton electroreduction catalyzed by difluoroborylbis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(II) complexes in organic media.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46: 1817-1824

Chandor A, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Gambarelli S, Sanakis Y, Nicolet Y, Ollagnier-De-Choudens S, Atta M and Fontecave M
Characterization of the DNA repair spore photoproduct lyase enzyme from Clostridium acetobutylicum: A radical-SAM enzyme.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2007, 10(8): 756-765

Fontecave M and Duboc C
Metals in biocatalysis: From metalloenzymes to bio-inspired systems.
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2007, 10(8): 677

Hamelin O, Rimboud M, Pecaut J and Fontecave M
Chiral-at-metal ruthenium complex as a metalloligand for asymmetric catalysis.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46: 5354-5360

Hernandez HL, Pierrel F, Elleingand E, Garcia-Serres R, Huynh BH, Johnson MK, Fontecave M and Atta M
MiaB, a bifunctional radical-S-adenosylmethionine enzyme involved in the thiolation and methylation of tRNA, contains two essential [4Fe-4S] clusters.
Biochemistry, 2007, 46(17): 5140-5147

Katona G, Carpentier P, Nivière V, Amara P, Adam V, Ohana J, Tsanov N and Bourgeois D
Raman-assisted crystallography reveals end-on peroxide intermediates in a nonheme iron enzyme.
Science, 2007, 316(5823): 449-453

Layer G, Gaddam SA, Ayala-Castro CN, Ollagnier-de Choudens S, Lascoux D, Fontecave M and Outten FW
SufE transfers sulfur from SufS to SufB for iron-sulfur cluster assembly.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(18): 13342-13350

Loiseau L, Gerez C, Bekker M, Ollagnier-de Choudens S, Py B, Sanakis Y, Teixeira de Mattos J, Fontecave M and Barras F
ErpA, an iron sulfur (Fe S) protein of the A-type essential for respiratory metabolism in Escherichia coli.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2007, 104(34): 13626-13631

Mathe C, Weill CO, Mattioli TA, Berthomieu C, Houee-Levin C, Tremey E and Nivière V
Assessing the role of the active-site cysteine ligand in the superoxide reductase from Desulfoarculus baarsii.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(30): 22207-22216

Mathevon C, Pierrel F, Oddou JL, Garcia-Serres R, Blondin G, Latour JM, Menage S, Gambarelli S, Fontecave M and Atta M
tRNA-modifying MiaE protein from Salmonella typhimurium is a nonheme diiron monooxygenase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2007, 104(33): 13295-13300

Murthy UMN, Ollagnier-de-Choudens S, Sanakis Y, Abdel-Ghany SE, Rousset C, Ye H, Fontecave M, Pilon-Smits EA and Pilon M
Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana SuFE2 and SuFE3: Functions in chloroplast iron-sulfur cluster assembly and NAD synthesis.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(25): 18254-18264

Oudart Y, Artero V, Pécaut J, Lebrun C and Fontecave M
Dinuclear nickel-ruthenium complexes as functional bio-inspired models of [NiFe] hydrogenases.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 18: 2613-2626

This article made the cover page of a special edition of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, « celebrating 10 years of excellence »
Cet article a fait la page de couverture d’une édition spéciale du European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, « celebrating 10 years of excellence »

Ranquet C, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Loiseau L, Barras F and Fontecave M
Cobalt stress in Escherichia coli: The effect on the iron-sulfur proteins.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(42): 30442-30451

Razavet M, Artero V, Cavazza C, Oudart Y, Lebrun C, Fontecilla-Camps JC and Fontecave M
Tricarbonylmanganese(I)-lysosyme complex: A structurally characterized organometallic protein.
Chemical Communications, 2007, 2007(27): 2805-2807

Sendra M, Ollagnier de Choudens S, Lascoux D, Sanakis Y and Fontecave M
The SUF iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic machinery: Sulfur transfer from the SUFS-SUFE complex to SUFA.
FEBS Letters, 2007, 581(7): 1362-1368

Soudiresane T, Selvakumar S, Ménage S, Hamelin O, Fontecave M and Singh AP
Ru- and Fe- based N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-N-methyl-(1S,2S)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine complexes immobilised on mesoporous MCM-41: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A - Chemical, 2007, 270: 132-143​